A script matrix with counterinjunctions, program messages and injunctions (after Steiner, 1966, Stewart & Joines 1987)
Transactional analysis (TA) is a comprehensive theory of personality, psychopathology, communication and child development with roots in the psychoanalytic tradition and a phenomenological approach.
Though often encountered in the field of counselling and psychotherapy services, TA is also a widely used body of theory in business and education contexts; supporting individuals, couples and groups in bringing about and maintaining positive change.
There are three core principles that underpin the practice of TA in all fields of application: namely, that people are OK (that is, they have intrinsic worth and dignity as human beings), everyone has the capacity to think and, finally, that people can make and also change decisions about their lives.
For more information on the TA community of practice across the world, please visit the following resources: