STAA membership is open to anyone with an interest in transactional analysis in Scotland. The Membership year commences in October to September the following year. Please note joining during the membership year gives you membership for the remaining months of the membership year. Joining in October gets the most out of your membership.
The STAA holds three one-day events every year. Members get free entry to the Spring and Summer Events and a discounted rate for the Autumn Conference.
The STAA also promotes Scottish issues at a UK level with UKATA and UKCP. The increasing effects of devolution on the health sector make advocating Scotland's different approach to healthcare important in a changing context.
The STAA align with the EATA code of Ethics- please see the EATA code of ethics here. Should you wish to raise any complaints or concerns about the conduct of the STAA Committee please contact us in the first instance by emailing mail@scottishta.org.uk. Should this not resolve your concerns please contact EATA.
The STAA is neither an accrediting nor an examining body- and we do not have our own code of ethics or complaints procedure. Where their TA field and/or country of practice require it, STAA members are expected to have joined an accrediting body such as UKATA, EATA, ITAA, UKCP, BACP or COSCA and adhere to their respective ethical codes.
Regular (post-Diploma) membership of STAA costs £50 per year. Pre-Diploma student membership is only £15. Our membership year runs from 1 October to 30 September.
Members can also pay their EATA contributions through the STAA by adding EATA membership to your online order.
Please click here to join the STAA
Please note that after 1 January each year there may be a late payment fee of £15 applied for subsequent membership purchases and renewals.