End of life and working with death in TA
A one-day online CPD event for trainees and professionals interested in exploring how we approach death with those impacted in our TA work.
Workshop - End of life and working with death in TA
Death is inevitable for us all yet we rarely talk about it.
Working in a palliative care environment such as a hospice is a niche area and not for everyone, but facing a life limiting illness happens in any environment.
What if an existing client came to you having been diagnosed with a terminal illness?
How would you feel?
How would your relationship be affected by their diagnosis?
In this one day workshop, we will discuss the taboo nature of talking about death, the language we use and why it’s such an important topic to talk about.
We will spend some time reflecting on our feelings about death and how this may impact the therapeutic relationship.
We will then focus on working with clients who are at the end of their life and what we need to consider.
The presenter will explain a model she has created for working with end of life clients and clients with anticipatory grief. (This model has recently been published in the UKATA Transactional Analyst magazine - Winter 2024).
Finally we will reflect on what dying can teach us about living and the importance of legacy.
About our host - Sharon Baker CTA-P
Sharon Baker is a CTA -P and has a private practice in the East Midlands.
She is passionate about working with clients who are at the end of life and has volunteered in the hospice sector.
Sharon believes that physis and death are not mutually exclusive. Growth and change can, and does happen right up until the last moments of a persons life.
Sharon is enthusiastic about increasing conversations about death, dying and terminal or life limiting illness amongst therapists and runs therapy groups specifically for this purpose.